Racefuels in partnership with Sydney Motorsport Park and the Australian Racing Drivers Club maintains a set of permanent fuel bowsers and tanks at SMSP. Seven nozzles dispense fuels 24 hour per day* with payment made easly by a credit card reader.
The on-site fuel compound is on the eastern side of the main pit complex, past the Race Control Tower and Scrutineering Shed.
Available fuels are as follows:
98 RON (high quality pump grade fuel) – $2.75/L
This fuel is BP Ultimate and is supplied regularly, quality control is a strict requirement for the corporate drive events. Meets CAMS schedule G: Pump Grade Fuel.
Elf Race 102 (105 RON, 90 MON and 3% oxygen) - $5.50/L
REPLACES RF100 Leaded Racing Fuel (Avgas)Elf Race 102 meets the new CAMS fifth category requirements for fuels (avgas alternatives).
E85 RaceBlend (Batch Testing E85 for racing) – $2.75/L
This fuel is 85% Ethanol plus 15% 98 RON petrol, strict batch testing is applied to ensure quality and consistency. Meets CAMS schedule G: Commercial Fuel.
*Subject to SMSP opening hours

Plug in at Sydney Motorsport Park...
How much does it cost to charge?
75c per kWh.
Note: A pre-authorisation amount of $50 will be requested from your account. The maximum value you can charge to is $50 at one time. Should you need more, another charge session will need to be activated.
Where is it located?
Our four charging points are located at the end of the North Paddock, at the final Carports.
Who can use it?
The SMSP Evie chargers are for Motorsport Charging Only. General public can not charge their road cars at this facility. The nearest public charger is at the Alpha Hotel.

How to charge – Credit or Debit Card
Plug in your car with a compatible plug type.
Tap your credit or debit card on the card reader terminal to authenticate the charge session.A pre-authorisation amount of $50 will be requested from your account. If this is accepted, the charge session will commence. If it is rejected, the charge session will not start.
After the connector is plugged in, there may be a short wait time of about 30 seconds until the credit card reader is ready.
When your charge session has completed, push the ‘Stop’ button on the charger
Note: The maximum value you can charge to is $50 worth of kWh energy. The charge session will automatically stop once this value is reached. Should you need to charge above $50 worth of kWh energy, you’ll need to start another charge session after completing the first one.
Tap the same credit or debit card on the card reader terminal to deactivate the session.
Do you need a tax receipt for your charge?
Please click the buitton to the right and our charging provider will email one out to you.
Corporate hire: please contact the ARDC to discuss options for daily access and invoicing.