OLT - Observed Licence Test
An Observed Licence Test (OLT) is a test of practical skill, where Motorsport Australia licence approved instructors observe you under modified race conditions.
Successful completion of the OLT is a critical component of receiving your racing licence. It gives you the opportunity to show you have a basic understanding and knowledge of manoeuvring a vehicle at high speeds to ensure the safety of both yourself and others, including drivers, officials and spectators.
Vehicles used for the OLT do not have to be race cars but must be free of defects, and must have a passenger seat fitted. Please contact us to discuss your vehicle if you are unsure of its suitability. Please bring your Motorsport Australia issued Pre-Licence Authority and Assessment Criteria Form when attending your OLT. An OLT cannot be completed without this form.
Book your OLT
Please select a date to attend one of our SMSP Track Days in the Advanced Group, and then select OLT as an additional extra during the booking process.
Motorsport Australia Licence Application & Medical Form
To learn More Or to book, CLICK HERE!
For full details or to make a booking, please visit our Experience Provider: https://www.drivingsolutions.com.au/