SMSP and Covid-19
Venue guidelines for the easing of COVID-19 restrictions
This document is reviewed and updated weekly. Updates may be communicated earlier in line with any State Government announcement or advice from
From current advice, the following highlights the expectations;
- Remove person to person contact between staff and participants, or where absolutely necessary, ensure appropriate PPE is worn / cleaned or discarded after contact with any individual. We appreciate this will require significant changes to existing procedures that you may have relied on;
- Follow the density guidelines provided, 1 person / 4m2;
- Ensure staff / participants practice social distancing, 1.5m away from each other.
We have a lot of space
With over 92 hectares of area available within our facility, including 1.5 hectares within the north paddock and 5,00m2 within the south paddock, we are uniquely positioned to provide a safe operating environment for customers, clients and staff.
In line with NSW Health, all events and activities on site will adhere to the density guidelines of 1 person per 4m2 and generally you should design your event / activity with social distancing of 1.5m at all times.
Maximum numbers of participants / individuals / spectators on site
As of the Public Health COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement, Order no.4, the restrictions have opened up generously. We are now at the point where we are limited with the following conditions;
- For a non-seated non-ticketed event, 500px on site at any one given time as part of your event (participants and spectators);
- For a ticketed event with allocated seating areas, 25% of the seated area is available to a maximum of 10,000px (our grandstand would allow 1000pax and for breakdowns of the exterior paddock areas see further below);
- 1 person / 4m2 for any indoor or outdoor space;
- Comply, complete and submit a COVID-19 safety plan relevant to your event.
Staff / volunteering on site
Staff and those working / volunteering toward the event or activity, remain uncounted within the totals above.
Limits on group size
Prior to this order we were working to keep group sizes down to 20pax. And although this is still required for general outdoor public gatherings, inline with the health order it is no longer required for our facility. You should still plan for social distancing of 1.5m and 1p /4m2, but you no longer have to be concerned with isolating groups or populations within your event numbers.
COVID-19 Safety plan
COVID-19 safety plans vary slightly depending on industry and are now required for your event. A general list of all templates across all industries is available here;
For community sporting competitions and training;
And a generic catch all if your event / activity / industry is not specified;